分析基因检测与基因解码的区别与选择体会到《J Natl Cancer Inst》在. 2004 Aug 18;96(16):1204-7.发表了一篇题目为《从高风险诊所招募患者的干预研究中的偏差》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Sholom Wacholder等完成。促进了肿瘤的精准治疗与个性化用药的发展,进一步强调了基因信息检测与分析的重要性。
评估提议的干预措施对降低高外显性突变携带者疾病风险的影响非常重要,例如乳腺癌和卵巢癌的 BRCA1 和 BRCA2 突变或结肠癌的 APC 和 MLH1 或 MSH2 突变。然而,一些评估旨在降低突变携带者风险的干预措施效果的研究,当它们基于为该疾病高危人群提供护理的诊所时,可能容易受到严重的选择偏倚。一项研究设计中,大部分病例患者在就诊之前就已被诊断出来,而所有对照受试者都是之前在诊所就诊的人,如果很可能在就诊时看到突变携带者,则可能会造成干预效果的错误印象。与普通人群中的突变携带者相比,诊所更有可能接受干预。
It is important to evaluate the effects of proposed interventions to reduce the risk of disease among carriers of a highly penetrant mutation, such as the mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 for breast and ovarian cancers or in APC and MLH1 or MSH2 for colon cancer. However, some studies that evaluate the effects of interventions designed to reduce risk in mutation carriers may be susceptible to a serious selection bias when they are based in clinics that care for persons at high risk for the disease. A study design in which a large fraction of the case patients were diagnosed before being seen at the clinic and all control subjects are persons previously seen at the clinic can create a false impression of intervention efficacy if, as is likely, mutation carriers seen at the clinic were more likely to receive the intervention than mutation carriers in the general population.