深究基因检测机构自我培训教材看到《Methods Mol Biol》在. 2009;573:223-30.发表了一篇题目为《候选基因关联分析》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由Jonathan B Singer等完成。促进了基因检测中的候选基因关联分析策略的进一步发展,其优势和缺点会得到更好的优化。
由于获取患者样本和基因型数据相对简单,候选基因关联研究是将人类遗传变异与其产生的表型相关联的最常用基因解码基因检测的研究方法。研究设计从确定合适的 DNA 样本和合适的表型进行分析开始。然后必须选择候选基因和多态性。在对 DNA 样本中的候选基因进行基因分型后,检查基因解码基因检测的研究结果以确保进行适当的质量和关联分析。对原始基因解码基因检测的研究结果进行解释并置于上下文中,并进行后续分析以验证和完善调查基因解码基因检测的研究结果。广泛的软件包可用于关联分析和研究中的其他步骤。本章以一个例子描述了 PLINK 作为分析工具的使用,因为该套件已成为遗传关联测试中最流行的选项。关键词:基因表达;整合素;黑色素瘤进展;骨桥蛋白;骨桥蛋白剪接变体.基因表达;整合素;黑色素瘤进展;骨桥蛋白;骨桥蛋白剪接变体。
Candidate gene association study is the most common method for associating human genetic variations with the phenotypes they produce, due to the relative simplicity of acquiring patient samples and genotype data. The study design begins with identifying appropriate DNA samples and an appropriate phenotype for analysis. The candidate genes and polymorphisms must then be chosen. After genotyping the candidate genes in the DNA samples, the results are checked to ensure appropriate quality and association analysis is performed. The raw results are interpreted and placed into context and follow-up analysis is carried out to validate and refine the findings. A wide range of software packages are available for both the association analysis and other steps in the study. This chapter describes the use of PLINK as the analysis tool in an example, as that suite has emerged as the most popular option for genetic association testing.Keywords: gene expression; integrins; melanoma progression; osteopontin; osteopontin splice variants.gene expression; integrins; melanoma progression; osteopontin; osteopontin splice variants.