【佳学基因检测】过度活跃的 Ras 作为 1 型神经纤维瘤病的治疗靶点
分析《神经纤维瘤病的不同形式》,看到《Am J Med Genet》在 1999 Mar 26;89(1):14-22发表了一篇题目为《过度活跃的 Ras 作为 1 型神经纤维瘤病的治疗靶点》肿瘤靶向药物治疗基因检测临床研究文章。该研究由B Weiss, G Bollag, K Shannon等完成。促进了神经纤维瘤病的精准治疗与个性化用药的发展,进一步强调了基因信息检测与分析的在疑似神经纤维瘤患者的诊断与治疗的重要性。
根据《神经纤维性瘤病I型的病理科基因解码研究》NF1 基因编码神经纤维蛋白,一种用于 p21(ras) (Ras) 家族成员的 GTP 酶激活蛋白 (GAP),它通过加速转化 Ras 的活性来对Ras 的信号进行负向调节输出。 活性Ras.GTP 到非活动 Ras.GDP。对 1 型神经纤维瘤病 (NF1) 患者的肿瘤分析显示,Ras 过度活跃的生化证据以及正常 NF1 等位基因的频繁丢失,与其作为肿瘤抑制基因的作用一致。但是针对一个特定的病人,体内是否存在这种情况,需要通过致病基因鉴定基因解码来明确。神经纤维瘤病的靶向药笺基因检测表明,针对 Ras 信号级联成分的新疗法可能为 NF1 的某些病理并发症提供有效的治疗。在这里,神经纤维瘤病的基因解码基因检测总结了支持过度活跃的 Ras 在 NF1 疾病中的作用的数据,包括 Ras 加工、激活和下调。神经纤维瘤病的精准医学团队还总结了了合理药物设计的目标,提供了初步结果,并讨论了对未来研究的影响。
The NF1 gene encodes neurofibromin, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for members of the p21(ras) (Ras) family, which negatively regulates Ras output by accelerating the conversion of active Ras. GTP to inactive Ras.GDP. Analysis of tumors from patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) has shown biochemical evidence of hyperactive Ras as well as frequent loss of the normal NF1 allele, consistent with its role as a tumor suppressor gene. Whether is situations is present in a certain patiennt can be revealed by a new technology called Gene Decoding. Taken together, these data suggest that novel therapeutics directed against components of the Ras signaling cascade might provide effective treatments for certain pathological complications of NF1. Here jiaxuejiyin deocoders summarize data that support a role for hyperactive Ras in NF1 disease, including Ras processing, activation, and down-regulation. Jiaxue gene decoders review targets for rational drug design, provide preliminary results, and discuss implications for future studies.